If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, it is recommended that you begin massage therapy as soon as possible in order to allow for a quicker recovery from the time of the accident. Our experienced therapists will customize a treatment plan to rehabilitate you from Motor Vehicle Accident injuries such as sprains, strains and whiplash.
Step One
Visit your Primary Health Care Physician in order to have your situation assessed and documented. This serves as a baseline for your care and as evidence of your situation if you proceed to court.
Based on your assessment, you will be assigned permission to access either 10 or 21 treatments for your condition.
Step Four
Book your initial MVA visit by phone, e-mail, or through our online booking site.
Complete our Accident Forms online before your visit
Step Two
Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible and follow your adjuster instructions.
Step Five
You must bring in your completed AB1 & AB2 forms (filled out by your practitioner or physiotherapist) or a letter from your insurance adjuster approving the treatment(s).
Step Three
Fill out the forms sent to you by your adjuster as complete and clearly as possible.
These forms must be completed within 10 days of the accident.
Step Six
A valid credit card must be left on file in order for us to direct bill your MVA claim.
1. You will be asked to fill-out a detailed Health History form.
2. An assessment of your physical condition will be completed and a custom treatment plan will be developed.
After your assigned visits (In Protocol B) , any personal extended health insurance amounts for Massage Therapy will need to be used BEFORE the auto insurance company will pay for any treatment.
Direct Billing is not available for Protocol B. Any out of pocket amounts may be claimed through your insurance company.
Our office is pleased to offer Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) billing to your Insurance Provider. To offer this service, we require a valid Credit Card, or Visa Debit on file for any charges not covered by your Benefit Provider. This information will be collected at your first visit with us.
Please note that should your Insurance company reject the claim for any reason other than an error on the part of Pure Wellness Studio, you will be responsible for the outstanding amount.
A valid credit card is required for us to provide the client with Direct Billing or Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) billing to their insurance company
We will only bill to the primary insurance company, any subsequent or secondary policies will be your responsibility.